Friday, November 9, 2018

Lavender Blossom Goat Milk Soap!

Lavender Blossom Goat Milk Soap!

I've been making a bit of soap lately, it's one of my passions, so it's a good thing!  This one went well, I used three colors and did an in-the-pot-swirl method, I'll know tomorrow how it turned out.

It's made with my standard Goat milk Soap recipe and used two natural colors of light and darker lavender.

If you've never used goat milk soap, just give it one try, and I don't think you'll ever go back to commercial soap.  What a difference for your skin!

Lavender Blossom Goat Milk Soap!

I gotta say I'm not thrilled with the color of this soap, I need to remember the colors so I don't use them again for this purpose.  I used a lavender and a purple oxide and the lavender turned a very pale pink and the purple turned tan.  Go figure!  Like I said in a previous post, you never know how a soap is going to turn out when using new colors.  It's always a surprise.  But, and this is a big but, the Goat Milk Soap recipe is the same, and it's a luxurious soap to be sure.

Carpe Diem!

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