Saturday, November 10, 2018

Green Tea and Jasmine Goat Milk Soap!

Green Tea and Jasmine Goat Milk Soap!

I used to make a green tea soap when I first started soaping.  The recipe used Melt and Pour Glycerine soap, and the fragrance was a huge customer favorite.  I have been wanting to transfer the green tea and fragrance to a good cold process soap recipe.

Well, I finally did it today, yay me!  Right now, immediately after pouring, it looks very yellow, I'm hoping it goes back to the yellow-green color it's supposed to be, but it does smell divine!

This recipe has green tea extract and is colored with wheatgrass powder, and of course, topped with dried green tea leaves.  It should be a winner if all goes well.

Green Tea and Jasmine Goat Milk Soap!

Well, here it is, unmolded and sliced ready to place on the shelf to cure for six weeks.  I'm loving the fragrance that's coming from this batch, it's divine!  The color is a bit yellow for green tea color, but it's greener than the photos show.  Next step is to trim, stamp, and wrap, after it cures, of course!

Carpe Diem!

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